
End-to-end user-centered products

What if you could offer the ideal product, to the ideal user, at the moment they need it most? With Onebrain, you can. Our design process goes from product discovery to MVP definition, putting people first.

Product Discovery

At this stage, we identify user needs and explore solutions, considering the problems to be solved. Our teams do research, user interviews, concept tests and prototyping to ensure they are building something viable and desirable.

Brown-haired, straight-haired woman with glasses looking forward representing the product discovery stage at Onebrain.

UX strategy

Based on the findings, we draw up a complete UX strategy. We map out personas, design user journeys and establish guidelines for product interaction and usability. This strategy guides the entire design process, ensuring that the final solution is truly focused on users.

Black woman with short hair building UX design strategies.

MVP definition

Strategy defined, it’s time to create the MVP (Minimum Viable Product). With this, we can test the product on the real market, with minimal investment, taking advantage of the launch to collect valuable feedback from users. It’s the simplest and cheapest way to get to the final version of a product.

White woman with straight brown hair analyzing the Minimum Viable Product.

Distinguished features

People at the center of everything

Our process is centered on the user, ensuring that they find what they are looking for, when they need it most.

Phased approach

Each stage follows proven methods and practices, resulting in products that are more effective and accepted by the market.

Continuous evolution

We constantly improve the product, ensuring continuous development aligned to the market.

Cases of success

See how our services have helped to transform businesses of major brands.

Learn more about our cases

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